Enhancement proposal for job satisfaction within the administrative area of an import business in Lima (2020)

Luis Alberto Chinchay-Tisoc , Iris Samanta Siu Cusicanqui-Zavaleta, Roy Fernando Martínez-Quintanilla, Raúl Valdiviezo-López


Social responsibility: Compliance with the ISO 26000 guidelines against the legal requirements of health and safety at work

Luis Fernando Freire-Constante, Edison Daniel Yandún-Burbano, Erick Alberto Castro-García, Sebastián Ricardo Castro-García


Tax policies and access to credit in the microenterprise sector, 2014-2019 period

Ruth Maryury Delgado-Olaya, Ángel Alberto Zambrano-Morales, Katherine del Cisne Guamarriga-Valdez, Paulina Esperanza Sánchez-Valle


Production and consumption of food and beverages in a responsible way in the city of Quito

Diego Alfredo Salazar-Duque, Elizabeth Carolina Portugal-Morejón, Daniel Gonzalo Fierro-Mosquera


The contribution of digital tools in the development of community tourism in a populated center of the peruvian jungle

Andrea Milagros Mendoza-Reategui, Mariela Stacy Solano-Lavado, Florisa Graciela Garcia-Chumioque, Miguel Ángel Martin Hermenegildo-Coletti
