Tourism Marketing: from a bibliometric perspective in adventure sports
Main Article Content
The investigation of Touristic Marketing and Adventure Sports goes with special number of articles that has contain information of different authors. The objective of this study seeks to generate opinions and comments on the scope of marketing in tourism. However, there are cases of studies bibliometric about the research of interviews about the theme. In this article the evaluation of the scientific product between the years 2016-2021; based on the information of Scopus, Web of Science (WoS), Taylor & Francis (T&F) y Science Direct (SD), through the bibliometric method, making use of the Bibliometrix and PowerBI tools, that allows the identification of the years, institutions, journal, authors most known, documents, countries, and keywords with most participation of scientific expandations of Marketing Touristic and Adventure Sports. For that it gets done analysis of a description that contains a selective of 25 documents based on predefined criteria to include and exclude studies of Scopus, WoS, T&F y SD. In the results of the research WoS y T&F have mayor number of publications and the other part of the documents are published in that Journal of Sport & Tourism. The country with the greatest significant in publications of the United States. Finally, in the research bibliographic the evidence of knowledge presents expandation of growing the opportunity of bringing authors without, evidence in the discipline of tourism.
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