Optimización de costos de inventarios con algoritmo de programación lineal. Caso aplicado industria de producción de suelas

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Darwin Santiago Aldás
John Reyes Vásquez
Luis Morales Perrazo
Santiago Sánchez Sánchez


In this research it has been proposed a mathematical algorithm of lineal programming
that evaluates the conditions that intervene in the inventories of raw materials stored in a shoe
soles industry such as the demand, the limit of the productive capacity, and the related costs of
carrying inventory; it is generated an objective function and its respective restrictions of the
system, the same that is modeled and solved in a Lingo® programming software, the algorithm
enables the optimization of the amounts of material to be required, inventory at the end of each
period and the amount of missing units with the finality of satisfying the demand and both
minimizing the total cost of the inventory maximizing the profit in planning´s horizon of twelve
months. As a result, the mathematical model presented to the control of raw material inventory
that generates saving money per year of $ 52566.50, which come to an improvement of 25.6%
with respect to the current model.


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How to Cite
Aldás, D. S., Reyes Vásquez, J., Morales Perrazo, L., & Sánchez Sánchez, S. (2018). Optimización de costos de inventarios con algoritmo de programación lineal. Caso aplicado industria de producción de suelas. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 3(2.1), 77–83. https://doi.org/10.33890/innova.v3.n2.1.2018.670


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