Construyendo la paz a través de técnicas creativas, artísticas y vivenciales: aproximaciones al caso Colombiano
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The civil initiatives focused on the use of artistic and experiential techniques, aimed at building peace and the empowerment of civil society have achieved positive results in the population affected by the violence of armed actors on the stage of the peace process in Colombia. In this context, the research aims to analyze initiatives that promote peace, mapping and categorizing those that use art as the main instrument of symbolic reparation and has at the skyline the transformative and inclusive peace building, reconciliation and construction of collective memory of the victims of the armed conflict, in addition to the transformation of leadership through participatory and experiential processes. Through qualitative methodologies based on critical communication and discourse analysis, we have recognized, systematized and described territorial processes of peace building and empowerment that dialogue with the theoretical and practical framework of peace studies, pointing out that creative and artistic methodologies and techniques can be effective tools for the construction of collective memory, empowerment, social transformation and the visibility of Human Rights violations in Colombia.
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