Bibliometric study of the use of artificial intelligence in education
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Artificial Intelligence has generated changes in several areas including industry and education. It is important that students learn, not only concepts, but also develop skills oriented to a better understanding and use of AI tools in the academic, professional, vocational and personal fields. To this end, educational institutions must be open to building adaptive plans by knowing what AI tools are available, in which groups they can be applied and their implementations. The general objective of the present research consists of a bibliometric review of the use of artificial intelligence in education. The PRISMA methodology was used to obtain articles from the IEEE and Scielo databases; it was combined with the Vosviewer data visualization software in which 64 articles from Scopus were used. Among the main results it was obtained that the most used AI tools in the educational field are implemented in Google Classroom, Natural Reader and Socrative; and they are being used in all educational levels from preschool to higher education. AI is used in the teaching-learning process, in research support, assessment construction and virtual tutoring; it is applied in the areas of language, medicine and computer science; the country that promotes its use the most is China. According to the research results, AI strengthens the teaching-learning process through dynamic means that develop skills, foster collaboration, identify students' strengths and weaknesses, and culminate in a personalization of learning.
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