Influence of personal and institutional factors on the academic performance of Mexican college students
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The objective of this research was to identify the factors that affect academic performance and to determine if the tutoring program contributes to and impacts university incorporation and performance improvement. The design was exploratory and correlational, applying an instrument (Cronbach's alpha=0.8) to 186 mexican university students. The results showed no significant differences between sociodemographic characteristics and grades, aptitudes, attitudes and satisfaction with the tutorial course. However, a significantly positive correlation was found between the tutoring sessions vs. indexes of the self-evaluation dimension (0.225 to 0.352), which means that the tutoring courses indirectly affect the grades through the development of aptitudes and attitudes in the student. Finally, it is suggested to periodically update the contents with others that are adapted to the new generations, with the purpose of responding to the needs represented by the lowest indexes.
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