Touristic activities and gentrification in the historical centre of Quito
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The Municipality of the Metropolitan District of Quito created two Special Zones for Tourism (ZET), through municipal ordinance No. 236 of 2012, establishing them in the areas with the greatest concentration of tourist offerings: The Historical Center and the neighborhood of La Mariscal, in order to encourage and promote tourist activity in these areas, through a management plan that regulates activities in the territory. Within this framework, we have researched about the relation between tourism and gentrification in the historic center of Quito. Through a bibliographic investigation about the policies of the municipality and the municipal land registry of touristic services, a new analysis was performed of the gentrification process in this important zone of the city. This new study was necessary because the policies implemented by local government have not been able to make significant changes to tourism in Quito, without affecting the quality of life of the traditional inhabitants of this zone. Combining both quantitative and qualitative information, we have identified plans and programs to energize touristic activities. Analysis of historic objectives and actions implemented demonstrates that some of the policies and touristic businesses have affected the population through displacement in the city's historic center.
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