The three pillars for the retention of human talent in a general services company

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Fernando Alexis Nolazco Labajos
Diego Anthony Rodríguez Huancahuari


The present research work was to propose the three pillars to reduce the rotation of human talent. The methodology used was based on the holistic syntagma, mixed approach, projective type, comprehensive level. In order to obtain the information, a documentary analysis of the "Supplementary work risk insurance" for the period 2015-2018 and was carried out, in turn, interviews were carried out with seven people, of which three were former workers, three workers who currently work and the general manager of the company. It was determined that the turnover of personnel in 2015 was on average 123%, while in 2016 99%, 2017 was 91% and 2018 50% on average. For this reason, the three pillars for the retention of human talent were outlined, the first pillar corresponds to the implementation of a new process of  hiring of the personnel in order to optimize time, the second pillar concerns the creation of the profile of the posts of work, in order to hire qualified staff, finally, the third pillar concerns the plan of involvement of the staff, all the above will allow to meet the objectives of the organization.


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How to Cite
Nolazco Labajos, F. A., & Rodríguez Huancahuari, D. A. (2020). The three pillars for the retention of human talent in a general services company. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 5(1), 255–266.


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