Analysis of a autopart supply chain

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Marco Vinicio Noroña Merchan
Manuel Fernando Gómez Berrezueta


The paper consists of the analysis of the structure and functioning of a supply chain of auto parts in the automotive sector, considering the new logistic articulation schemes involved in the links of the chain so that they function as a homogeneous production system, comply with the specifications and times required. The supply of auto parts is considered the main factor of success in the automotive industry, determining the quality of the environment and productivity, for which the management and logistics administration of the supply of the auto parts is analyzed, considering some relevant factors of the automotive sector from the point of view of various authors who have studied the subject and then identify the operational schemes in the supply of auto parts. It analyzes the dynamics of the automotive sector worldwide and describes the macroeconomic characteristics of the manufacturing industry and auto parts in Mexico, then considers factors of demand and management strategies used by automotive assemblers, visualizes the structure and functions of the members of the supply chain and the current practices of automotive components procurement and in the end the conclusions derived from the study carried out are presented.


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How to Cite
Noroña Merchan, M. V., & Gómez Berrezueta, M. F. (2018). Analysis of a autopart supply chain. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 3(10.1), 123–134.


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