ICT as a catalyst in the generation of new business forms and enterprises in Ecuador through the use of community infocenters

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Esthela Maribel Cabezas
Hugo Christiam Fiallos Aguilar


The technological advance of a country, promotes its social development and economic growth. Especially if we observe that society as a whole is acquiring new forms of relationship, both in the personal, family and also in the way of doing business.

 At the Latin American level, most indicators show a different situation compared to first world countries in terms of adoption and access to ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), whose level of ownership is directly proportional to their competitiveness and productivity.

 Particularly in Ecuador, this situation becomes evident, if we analyze the main indicators associated with access to ICT and its relationship in the field of business. Community infocenters are points of contact with ICTs, especially in rural areas, which allow citizens to discover development opportunities to generate entrepreneurship, thanks to training in topics that promote and promote the generation of ventures.

 This research is aimed at establishing the current situation of Ecuador in terms of access and adoption of ICT and its impact on the enterprises, especially in rural sectors, through the use of community infocentros.


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How to Cite
Cabezas, E. M., & Fiallos Aguilar, H. C. (2018). ICT as a catalyst in the generation of new business forms and enterprises in Ecuador through the use of community infocenters. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 3(8.1), 16–32. https://doi.org/10.33890/innova.v3.n8.1.2018.752
Author Biography

Hugo Christiam Fiallos Aguilar, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Ecuador

Professional with extensive experience in the field of teaching in educational research.


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