Transformative Strategy in Sustainable Engineering Learning: experiences based on Design Thinking/Maker Movement+

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Agustín Alexander Mejías-Acosta
Adriana Janeth Díaz-Vargas
Diana-Carolina Montealegre-Rodríguez


The teaching of engineering currently presents challenges that limit the ability of future professionals to address sustainability-related issues.  Educational methodologies are centered on theoretical approaches, limiting students' ability to practically apply the principles of sustainability, technology, and innovation.  The objective of this research is to demonstrate how the Maker movement, combined with methodologies such as Design Thinking, project-based learning, and challenge-based learning, can be effective tools to promote innovation and sustainability in higher education.  The Maker Movement is a transformative tool based on the creation of sustainable and innovative solutions, with a comprehensive approach that addresses global sustainability challenges; it promotes the use of emerging technologies such as renewable energies, recyclable materials, and biotechnology, allowing for the efficient use of resources and the minimization of environmental impact.  Moreover, it promotes multidisciplinary collaborative work, fostering environmental awareness and professional ethics.  The feasibility analysis confirmed that the implementation of the projects was viable both technically and economically, and that it could generate a significant positive environmental impact.  The potential of Design Thinking and agile methodologies to address complex challenges in a structured and innovative manner was evident.  Moreover, the use of emerging technological tools not only facilitated the development of the project but also strengthened the technical and digital skills of the students.  Through this strategy, it is expected to train professionals with solid competencies in sustainability, while evaluating the effect of the Maker Movement on their motivation and academic performance.


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How to Cite
Mejías-Acosta, A. A., Díaz-Vargas, A. J., & Montealegre-Rodríguez, D. C. (2025). Transformative Strategy in Sustainable Engineering Learning: experiences based on Design Thinking/Maker Movement+. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 10(1), 71–92.
Author Biographies

Agustín Alexander Mejías-Acosta, Universidad de Carabobo, Venezuela

Agustín Mejías-Acosta, Venezolano, Postdoctorado en Ciencias Administrativas y Gerenciales, Universidad de Carabobo, Docente-Investigador, líneas de investigación: Educación; Empresa e Innovación.

Adriana Janeth Díaz-Vargas, Universidad Manuela Beltrán, Bogotá, Colombia

Adriana Janneth Díaz Vargas, Colombiana, Doctorante de  UNADE, Magíster en Docencia con énfasis en investigación Universidad de la Salle, Ingeniera Industrial Universidad Libre, Docente de planta del programa de ingeniería industrial Universidad manuela Beltrán, líneas de investigación  Educación; Empresa e Innovación. Google Scoolar:

Diana-Carolina Montealegre-Rodríguez, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios – UNIMINUTO, Bogotá, Colombia

Ingeniería, Profesora Asistente 1 de la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios y líneas de investigación (revisar en la revista).


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