The evolution of organizational communication and its impact on new business structures

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Miryam Gabriela Pacheco-Rodríguez
Edgar Alexander Alvarez-Avilés


The entities from their creation to the present have gone through various transformational processes in order to improve their organizational structure and guide them to business success. Communication has been one of the main components positively affected by these processes that began in the 1940s and that half a century later led this tool to consolidate it as a key element in institutional management. Despite the aforementioned, the reality is that currently the information related to this topic is dispersed, vaguely addressed and sometimes scarce, which makes it difficult to carry out new studies in this field, since it is not clearly known what has already been analyzed and what still needs to be investigated on the subject. Therefore, this research has the objective of compiling and structuring from a theoretical perspective the route that the evolution of communication has followed in the organizational field and how it affects the reality of modern companies. This study was carried out thanks to an exhaustive documentary research carried out between the months of February 2020 and January 2022 in the Scielo, Dialnet and DSpace databases, identifying a total of 83,474 works regardless of the period or subject area, making use of terms such as "internal communication", "business communication", "communication flows", among other words and from which the most relevant works were taken that allowed to clearly and precisely show the evolution of communication in companies.


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How to Cite
Pacheco-Rodríguez, M. G., & Alvarez-Avilés, E. A. (2022). The evolution of organizational communication and its impact on new business structures. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 7(3.2), 51–71.
Business and Innovation
Author Biographies

Miryam Gabriela Pacheco-Rodríguez, Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador

Miryam Gabriela Pacheco Rodríguez, Ingeniera Comercial de la Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil. Magíster en Administración de Empresas con mención en Marketing y Recursos Humanos de la Universidad de Guayaquil con convenio con la Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)  y estudiante de doctorado. Catedrática a nivel pregrado y posgrado en instituciones de educación superior de la ciudad de Guayaquil desde el 2004. En el campo laboral ha dirigido el departamento de Marketing de varias empresas públicas y privadas. Es ecuatoriana, actualmente se desempeña como docente en la Universidad de Guayaquil. 

Edgar Alexander Alvarez-Avilés, Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador

Es un estudiante ecuatoriano de la carrera Ingeniería en Marketing y Negociación Comercial en la Universidad de Guayaquil, apasionado por el desarrollo social sostenibles de las comunidades y el empoderamiento de los niños, niñas y adolescentes desde un punto integral con el que se les otorga a las nuevas generaciones las herramientas necesarias para cambiar su realidad a través de la combinación de esfuerzos de la empresa, el estado y las organizaciones civiles de la sociedad.