SMEs as a determinant factor of entrepreneurship: a bibliometric analysis from 2000 to 2020
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Micro-small and medium-sized enterprises (hereinafter MiPymes) have gained interest in the academic and scientific field in the last 20 years (Contreras, et al. , 2016) being considered as a driving force in job creation and a way out for unemployed people and inefficient labor markets. MiPymes represent 99% of businesses in Ecuador, according to INEC 2017 data, the largest concentration is in the service and commerce sector. The aim of this research is to identify and visualize the evolution and intellectual structure of MSMEs. It analyzes 298 documents downloaded from the Web of Science platform. The methodology used was descriptive, using quantitative techniques such as SciMAT software, which allows us to analyze the structural field of our study. The analysis of results shows that the year 2009 corresponds to the year of greatest publication where the topic Born Global (internationalization of SMEs since their inception) stands out. The main conclusion is that the studies concerning SMEs are related to five themes: knowledge, institutions, internationalization, technology and entrepreneurship, being formed mostly by families and their main strategy of expansion and growth is the export of their products due to the saturation of the national market.
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