Scientific competences for research in higher education teachers in times of COVID-19
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The research shows a series of theoretical contributions and definitions that revolve around the scientific competencies for research that higher education teachers must demonstrate and the students' perception of these competencies in times of the Covid 19 pandemic. The development of the Research is carried out through a positivist paradigm, quantitative approach, descriptive level, comparative descriptive design, which will accumulate relevant information obtained through the survey technique and recorded in the instrument called: "Scientific competences for research in higher education teachers ”; the instrument has 18 items, has a content validity made through the judgment of experts, in addition to using factor analysis to establish construct validity; and its reliability was determined by a Cronbach's Alpha of 0.87. It is cross-sectional since the information was collected in a single moment by sharing the link of the instrument through the google form. The sample was made up of 200 students from two private universities, who are in the last year of professional training and receive research classes for the preparation of academic works with a view to obtaining the degree.
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