Financial strategies to increase profitability. Case: Empresa Indema Perú S.A.C
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The objective of the investigation was to propose the implementation of financial strategies to increase the profitability of the company Indema Perú S.A.C. The main causes of stagnation in business economic development are constituted by the high cost of sales and the lack of control over expenses that directly affect profit, reflected in the respective indices. The investigation was of mixed approach, analytical and inductive method, in the data collection the interview guide was applied to three informant units that were the general manager, the accountant and the head of finance, the documentary analysis sheet was also applied, the data was triangulated with the Atlas software. You. The results showed that the profitability on the assets decreased year after year, for the year 2016 the company had a yield of 0.86% on the investment, in 2017, it generated losses; however, for the year 2018, it obtained a 0.08% return on investment. The factors that directly influence profitability is the high cost of sales, which in 2018 represented 85% of the sales level and is expected to reduce to 70% in the next 5 years; operating expenses represent 12%, which makes profit scarce. Therefore, the following strategies are proposed: a) Increase sales, b) Reduce sales costs, c) Increase liquidity.
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