Strengthening sustainable tourism development in the Ventanilla wetlands, Department of Lima, Peru

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Duber Ysai Mondragón Mondragón
Claribel Rosario Salvador Garcia


The study was released in the district of Ventanilla, with the objective of developing a plan to strengthen sustainable development in the wetlands of Ventanilla, Lima, contributing to the care and preservation of the natural area. The research is mixed focus, holistic syntagm and projective type. To make the diagnosis, surveys were applied, it was taken as sample to 116 local inhabitants and 25 visitors of the resource, also interviewed 3 professionals linked to tourism in the area. The results indicated that in the locality there is not environmental responsibility, as for the resource, the actions that are being managed are insufficient for the care of of all the natural área and avoid pollution. Therefore, visitors consider that by developing ecological practices as observing flora and fauna in wetlands would be a way to sensitize people. On the other hand, the resort lacks adequate tourist infrastructure for the tours, which means that tourists do not receive a pleasant visit. Finally, it was proposed to develop a plan based on ecotourism practices, alongside workshops aimed at residents and visitors to achieve an environmental commitment, realize cleaning campaigns, elaborate a circuit based on observing the biodiversity of wetlands to avoid damage to nature, condition the place for a satisfactory visit with signage, railings and defined paths, besides encourage to community members to participate in activities of crafts.


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How to Cite
Mondragón Mondragón, D. Y., & Salvador Garcia, C. R. (2019). Strengthening sustainable tourism development in the Ventanilla wetlands, Department of Lima, Peru. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 4(3.1), 126–134.


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