Temporal and spatial distribution fatal occupational injuries in Ecuador
Contenido principal del artículo
Introduction: Ecuador is a country in South America, divided geographically by the Andean Mountain Range. With the approval of the Resolution No C.D. 333 in 2010, companies are compelled to report all occupational accidents and diseases to the corresponding Occupational Health Public Organisms. Currently, there are no studies on the geographic and temporal distribution of deadly occupational accidents in the country.
Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the temporal and geographic distribution of fatal occupational accidents (FOA) in Ecuador.
Material-Methods: Ecologic Study of temporal and geographical distribution of FOA in the 24 provinces of Ecuador between 2010 and 2016. Data was obtained thru official secondary information sources. Gross and Adjusted Mortality Rates were calculated for workers affiliated to the General Mandatory Insurance, allowing the space representation in terms of the object of study.
Results: During the period analyzed, 1.748 workers have passed due to work related accidents in Ecuador. The Gross Mortality Rate (x100.000-affiliated workers) presents a decreasing tendency from 2010 (13.2) to 2014 (6.3), increasing for 2015 (9.5). The main provinces with a higher Adjusted Mortality Rate (x10.000-affiliated workers) are located in the Amazon Region: Morona Santiago, Napo, Orellana and SucumbÃos.
Conclusions: Ecuadorian Geography implies important differences in terms of FOA distribution by provinces and the compliance of legal norms in Safety and Occupational Health thru time. The temporal distribution and geographic representation of this phenomenon will allow the corresponding public control entities to identify provinces with high mortality rates and implement specific actions to prevent. The results of this study will help establish future research lines that will analyze more in depth this issue.
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