Percepción visual y escritura en estudiantes de segundo a cuarto año de E.G.B. del Colegio San José la Salle
Main Article Content
The article based its research on establishing the relationship between the visual perception and the writing skill of children from the second, third and fourth year of General Basic Education of the School San José “La Salle” of Quito city in the school year 2016-2017. By considering that the visual perception allows the cortical recognition, resulting from the subjective sensory experiences. Specifically, of the stimulus that enters by the eyes. On the other hand, the writing is a graphic representation that enables the record of human thought and the optimal transmission of data and information to relate to the medium in which the person develops. It is based on the quantitative approach, on a documentary, field, and descriptive research. The theoretical framework is duly supported. The results manifest that a great percentage of children present difficulties in visual perception, basic pre-requisite skill for learning of writing, thus implying the existence of errors in it. It concludes that absence of skills of visual perception, therefore, intervention by teachers is essential, in order to reduce possible writing difficulties for students.
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