Characterization Characterization and comparative analysis of castor oil biodiesel B10 relative to high quality commercialdiesel Biodiesel

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Carlos Nolasco Mafla Yepez
Ignacio Bayardo Benavides Cevallos
Erik Paul Hernández Rueda
Fernado Renato Ramirez Paredes


This paper presents the physicochemical characterization of commercial diesel (Premium), and biodiesel based on castor oil, in proportion B10. A comparative analysis has been carried out regarding the characteristics obtained for both types of fuels and the results achieved are shown. The physicochemical properties treated are: Flash point, kinematic viscosity, basic sediments and water (BSW), corrosion to the copper sheet, sulfur and calculated cetane number. The properties of biodiesel are influenced by the physical characteristics of the fatty acid composition, such as the degree of unsaturation, the percentage of saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, and the polyunsaturated fatty acid. The properties of fuels are the key factors in determining the suitability of any alternative fuel. The results show that the B10 biodiesel characteristics are within the ranges stipulated by international regulations, in addition to significantly reducing polluting emissions. The characterization of fuels has been carried out based on the INEN 1489 standard and ASTM standards.


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How to Cite
Mafla Yepez, C. N., Benavides Cevallos, I. B., Hernández Rueda, E. P., & Ramirez Paredes, F. R. (2018). Characterization Characterization and comparative analysis of castor oil biodiesel B10 relative to high quality commercialdiesel: Biodiesel. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 3(7), 53–60.
Author Biography

Carlos Nolasco Mafla Yepez, Universidad Técnica Del Norte, Ecuador

Docente de la carrera de Ingeniería Automotriz de la Universidad Técnica del Norte de la ciudad de Ibarra, mis investigaciones se basa al uso de biocombustibles en vehí­culos y así­ contribuir a la conservación del ambiente.


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