Simulation of phishing attacks and Awareness Plans applicable to the business environment – A practical approach to improve organizational resilience
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The study evaluated the effectiveness of phishing attack simulations and awareness plans to reduce employees' vulnerability to cyberattacks in a small business. Using a sample of one hundred employees, improvements in detecting fraudulent emails and response times were analyzed following a series of simulations and training programs. Initially, employees had a 65% click rate on malicious links, which decreased to 20% after the intervention, validated by regression analysis and T-tests with a p-value less than 0.001. Response time improved from an average of 50 minutes to 20 minutes. The analysis revealed that age, work experience, and access to sensitive information impacted response capacity, with better results among younger, technologically experienced employees. Although awareness reduced vulnerability, risks associated with human behavior persisted, suggesting the need for ongoing training and automated technological solutions. Despite sample limitations, the results indicated that phishing simulations and personalized training programs are valuable tools for enhancing cybersecurity. It is recommended that companies implement awareness plans as part of comprehensive cybersecurity strategies, tailored to employees' demographic characteristics and responsibility levels. Future research should address larger companies and several types of cyberattacks. The study concludes that these strategies effectively improve threat response and detection, building a more resilient organizational culture towards cybersecurity.
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