Benefit and Collective Interest Companies in Ecuador. The first steps towards a business sustainability model that cannot be postponed
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The social and environmental problems faced by the world today are reaching alarming levels, in consequence, it is necessary for all actors to contribute to the solution of these issues. The role that companies can play in mitigating these imbalances is a relevant topic. The legal entity of BICs (Benefit and Collective Interest Companies) represents an important boost for entrepreneurs committed to generating triple impact: economic, environmental, and social. This study seeks to evaluate the actions of companies declared as BICs in Ecuador after two years of the recognition of this legal entity in the Law. To this end, the management impact reports (MIR) submitted by these companies to the control entity were reviewed. Additionally, interviews were conducted with directors of companies of this type to obtain qualitative information on the motivations and obstacles they face in assuming this business model. The results show that many of the BIC companies in Ecuador are not clear about the BIC concept and are not yet ready to assume this commitment. Additionally, only an average of 8% of the companies declared as BIC in 2020 and 2021 complied with the obligation to submit their management impact report. This research provides insights on how one of the most representative models of corporate sustainability in Latin America is evolving in Ecuador and sheds light on what needs to be done to promote it.
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