Adoption of b-learning in the Teaching of Mathematics for Engineers: Validation of an Acceptance Model

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Elia Trejo-Trejo
Natalia Trejo-Trejo


This study explores the perception of engineering students towards b-learning in mathematics, based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Adopting a quantitative methodology with a descriptive and explanatory design, a sample of 153 students from a higher education institution in Mexico was analyzed. Using an adapted questionnaire from Davis (1989), the acceptance of b-learning was assessed, and exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were performed to validate the B-learning Acceptance Model (MAb-L). The MAb-L demonstrated internal consistency and convergent validity, supported by a positive correlation between latent and observed variables. Six of the seven hypotheses were confirmed, highlighting the influence of perceived usefulness, ease of use, and students' attitudes towards b-learning. The results emphasize the importance of customizing content, enhancing social interaction, technological infrastructure, and feedback to optimize mathematics education in engineering. “Ease of Use” is highlighted as a critical factor. The study supports the validity of the MAb-L, highlighting how perceived usefulness and ease of use positively impact attitudes and learning intentions in mathematics. Additionally, practical recommendations for improving b-learning in engineering mathematics education are offered, emphasizing the need for personalized adaptation and the promotion of social interaction. This research contributes to the understanding of the factors influencing the acceptance of b-learning in mathematics, providing a solid foundation for advancing knowledge in this dynamic field.


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How to Cite
Trejo-Trejo, E., & Trejo-Trejo, N. (2024). Adoption of b-learning in the Teaching of Mathematics for Engineers: Validation of an Acceptance Model. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 9(2), 1–22.
Author Biographies

Elia Trejo-Trejo, Universidad Tecnológica del Valle del Mezquital, Hidalgo, México

Elia Trejo Trejo, Maestra en Ciencias, Universidad  Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo-México, Profesora-Investigadora-Universidad Tecnológica del Valle del Mezquital. Líneas de investigación; Matemáticas en Contexto de la Ingeniería, Innovación Educativa; Investigación Educativa 

Natalia Trejo-Trejo, Universidad Tecnológica del Valle del Mezquital, Hidalgo, México

Natalia Trejo Trejo; Maestra en Desarrollo Organizacional, Instituto Tecnológico Latinoamericano, Profesora-Investigadora-Universidad Tecnológica del Valle del Mezquital. Líneas de investigación; Innovación Educativa; Investigación Educativa; Desarrollo Organizacional. 


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