Artificial intelligence in search engines: perceptions of university professors and their impact on the teaching and learning process

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Fernando Xavier Juca-Maldonado


This quantitative and non-experimental descriptive study aimed to assess the knowledge and perceptions of teachers at Universidad Metropolitana, Machala campus, regarding artificial intelligence (AI) and its influence on information retrieval for academic and research activities. For this purpose, a sample of 47 teachers was surveyed using Google Forms. A probabilistic sampling approach with simple random selection was applied, calculating the sample size with a 5% margin of error and a 95% confidence level. The results indicate that 77% of the teachers were aware of AI, but only 47% understood its applicability in educational processes. Notably, the majority (97%) had not used search engines employing AI such as Chat GPT. However, a significant 81% of the participants expressed their belief that AI-powered search engines could enhance the educational process. Additionally, 75% anticipated the need to reconsider the evaluation process due to personalized responses and challenges related to plagiarism detection that AI-based search engines might pose. In conclusion, this study underscores the importance of continuous updating and ethical considerations in the use of AI in the educational context. Despite the potential benefits associated with the efficiency and personalization that AI offers in search engines, both teachers and students must adopt a critical stance when evaluating obtained information and be willing to collaborate to effectively adapt to new technologies.


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How to Cite
Juca-Maldonado, F. X. (2023). Artificial intelligence in search engines: perceptions of university professors and their impact on the teaching and learning process. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 8(3.1), 45–58.
Author Biography

Fernando Xavier Juca-Maldonado, Universidad Metropolitana, Ecuador

Fernando Xavier Juca Maldonado, ecuatoriano, Máster en Administración de Empresas, ENAE Universidad de Murcia; Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico, Educación y Cultura; Docente de la Universidad Metropolitana sede Machala.


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