Estimation of productivity gaps in Ecuador's wood production and wood products manufacturing sector. Period 2012 to 2021
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Analyzing differences in productivity has been a topic of interest in recent years in Ecuador. There has been a lag and evident disparities in productivity in comparison with more developed countries. These gaps are mainly explained by the differences in the productive structure of the territories. For example, the presence and participation of technology-intensive sectors. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the production gaps in the C16 sector (wood production) in Ecuador. For this purpose, the Cobb Douglas production function was estimated using the variables sales, net fixed assets and intermediate inputs, using the GMM-SYS approach to address simultaneity and endogeneity that may arise when analyzing the data. In this sense, the sector's productivity gaps were calculated, determining that the factor that contributes most to firms' sales revenue is the number of employees, followed by net fixed assets and, finally, intermediate inputs. Factor productivity reveals significant peaks between 2018 and 2021, indicating a marked decline in the sector's productivity over that period. The results highlight the importance of increasing productivity in companies especially in small and medium enterprises by implementing the use of effective management practices, adoption of appropriate technology and access to financial resources.
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