Organizational climate and work performance in a Municipal Savings Bank
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The present study was carried out with the purpose of determining the degree of relationship between organizational climate and work performance in a Caja Municipal, under the following methodological consideration, quantitative approach, basic type, correlational level and non-experimental transversal correlational design. Likewise, the hypothetical deductive method was used, where a hypothesis was specified to be contrasted through statistical analysis and to determine whether it should be accepted or rejected. Regarding the population and sample, 30 collaborators, chosen through non-probabilistic sampling, participated in the study. The technique and its instrument for data collection was the survey and the questionnaire. The data processing was performed within the non-parametric analysis, where it was obtained that the organizational climate has a moderate positive relationship with work performance. Therefore, it was concluded that the management and promotion of the work environment through the implementation of the organizational structure according to the needs of each area, the interpersonal relationships, as well as the organizational standards or norms that govern the operation of the entity promotes the use of labor capacity for an effective development in the achievement of objectives.
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