Appraisals of distance work in the subject of operating systems in Higher Education
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As of the confinement derived by COVID19, the training processes of the schools migrated from the face-to-face modality to remote work, which allowed students to adapt to a new learning environment together with the technological implications to continue with their learning. Therefore, there is a need to inquire about adaptation from the pedagogical and technological aspects. In this sense, the objective of this article was to analyze the appreciations of undergraduate students about remote work. The method was of a mixed type, for which a 20-item questionnaire was applied with a five-level Likert scale with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.88; For the qualitative part, a semi-structured interview was conducted. According to the results obtained, the students indicate that remote work was adequate despite the limitations in terms of hardware and Internet connection. On the other hand, the didactics applied online were favorable for the students in the development of the course. In another tenor, in the voice of the participants they indicate that in order to carry out the practices, face-to-face work in the laboratories of the faculty is necessary.
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