Incidences of pandemic restrictions in small businesses in Quito, period 2019-2020
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Small businesses are flexible organizations that adapt to new directions, protagonists in the local market, in Latin America they are a source of livelihood for households, contribute to tax revenues and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth. In times of pandemic this sector of the economy was very affected, it is worth analyzing the incidences of the restrictions established by the Ecuadorian government in the COVID context. The objective of this study was to know the incidences left by the restrictive measures in the middle of the pandemic. The descriptive exploratory method applied to the group of small businesses in the city of Quito for the years 2019 and 2020 was used. Among the results of this research are: the closure of 425 companies, decrease in employment and the impact on financial variables such as the income tax that the Internal Revenue Service failed to collect for more than 10 million dollars. The conclusions indicate that this group of companies is more vulnerable to disastrous events such as the pandemic, revealing the difficulty in covering new investments and staying in the market, as well as the lack of resources, via taxes, which also affected management operation of the public apparatus. Challenges for future research represent: the analysis of incidents in other important cities of the country and the resilience strategies adopted by businessmen in times of health emergency.
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