Community perception regarding the Regional Environmental Action Plan (2017-2021). Ucayali-Callería- Perú Region Case
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The globalization in which we live has caused the countries of the world to be concerned about environmental issues and their consequences, Perú is not an exception; therefore, the objective of this article aims to improve the Regional Environmental Action Plan (2017-2021). Ucayali-Callería- Perú Case; proposes actions to strengthen it. Qualitative, basic approach study, hermeneutical method, case study design, through the interview and the Focus Group, using the semi-structured guide, validated by expert researchers; it was transcribed, coded, analyzed, categorized and ordered. According to the review and analysis based on the Strategic Lines, it was found that of the total of actions, only one is dedicated to native communities, being insufficient and not inclusive; With slow planning, temporary actions and insufficient budget. Focused on the Research Line Strengthening the Actors of the Economy and Business Development in the section of politics and government that is the vocation and concern of the magazine, as well as spreading knowledge in people and organizations. The emerging subcategories of the study, Territorial inheritance, Associativity and Common Good, allowed to propose actions from promoting a change of mentality in native communities; Implement the necessary communication channels to promote their products and services as a result of associativity with the business community in productive projects with the involvement of the actors, without putting pressure on the existing natural ecological systems to achieve development with dignity and solidarity in the native communities.
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