Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The shipping file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF document format.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements detailed in the Guidelines for authors.
  • For the acceptance of articles, they must be original and unpublished.
  • The submission has the title, abstract and keywords in Spanish and English
  • The text is presented with single line spacing; with Times New Roman or Arial font; the font size is 12 points; italics are used instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures and tables are within the text in the corresponding place and not at the end.
  • For the citation and construction of the reference list, the APA style was followed. The authors confirmed that there are no inconsistencies between the citations and the list of references.
  • Web addresses or DOI identifier have been added for references where possible.
  • Authors include in a complementary file information on their full name, institutional affiliation, ORCID identifier, email and biographical summary in paragraph form of no more than 500 characters with spaces.
  • Attached, as a complementary file, is the Originality Statement and Copyright signed by all the authors.

The INNOVA Research Journal publishes three issues during the year in the areas of Education; Business and Innovation. Additionally, it publishes two special issues with the papers presented at the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (CIIM).

Since April 2022, the scope of the journal has been reduced to comply with best practices in the editorial process and quality criteria for academic publications.

All manuscripts go through a double-blind peer review process and are inspected by the automatic plagiarism detection and prevention system, TURNITIN.

In the Documents and Guides section the author will find the necessary information for the preparation of his manuscript:


Guidelines for authors

Guide to upload an article to the OJS platform


Documents template

Article Template

Author´s Biography Template 

Originality Statement and Copyright Template


Dictamination forms for peer reviewers

Scientific article dictamination form 

Review article dictamination form


Suport Contact: Sara Correa Soto

Email: innova@uide.edu.ec



The proposed article must be original and unpublished, have not been published or be in the process of arbitration or publication. To comply with the aforementioned, the author must fill out and sign the originality statement and copyright. The following is required to be considered:

  • * Maximum 4 authors for each article.
  • * References must be updated, document and / or scientific articles published in the last five years and indexed in Scopus and Web of Science.
  • * Be original and interesting in relation to the topic, the methodology and the conclusions.
  • * Be relevant to ongoing research and theoretical implications.
  • * Include knowledge of previous research in the same field.
  • * Be scientifically 
  • * Follow style of the American Psychological Association (APA 7th edition).
  • * Use academic and specialized and concise language.



Register as an author user and log in to the journal here.

All authors who participate in the article must have a registered user in the journal, only one of the authors must upload the article for evaluation.

The author must upload three files as detailed below, previously review the corresponding templates to adapt the information according to the format established.

  1. 1. Biography´ s authors: document in Microsoft Word format must contain the full names of the authors, institutional affiliation, city and country of the institution, email address, ORCID (http://orcid.org) and Google Scholar.Add a biographical summary in paragraph form of no more than 500 characters with spaces that include nationality, last academic degree and the institution where it was obtained, position and current institution of affiliation and lines of research. 
  2. 2. Article: document in Microsoft Word format, must omit data of the authors, be completely anonymized in file properties to guarantee the double-blind peer review process. All citations, acknowledgments, references and other allusions that could directly or indirectly allow the identification of the author of the submission must be deleted. Check the Instruction for authors.
  3. 3. Originality Statement and Copyright: corresponds to the letter of originality and copyright that confirms that the manuscript is original, is not under evaluation in another journal and verifies the signing authorship. The letter can be downloaded here.

When submitting, the author must enter all the information requested in the metadata referring to the full names of the author and co-authors, institutional affiliation, country of origin, email, biographical summary, keywords in Spanish and English, abstract in Spanish and English.

If you have doubts regarding this process, consult the manual for sending the article where the steps to follow are described.  




  • * Scientific articles: between 10 to 22 pages including tables, figures and references.
  • * Bibliographic review articles: between 10 to 2 5 pages including tables, references and figures.


  • * Typeface: Times New Roman or Arial 12 point
  • * Page size: 
  • * Language: articles can be submitted written in Spanish or English
  • * Leading: Use 1.0-line spacing throughout the document. There must be a space between each paragraph and reference (equivalent to an " Enter " on the keyboard). 
  • * Margins: Use uniform margins of 2.54 cm margin on each side.
  • * Paragraphs and indentations: Use ½-inch (1.27 cm) indentation when starting a paragraph and footnotes.
  • * Page Breaks: Do not insert page breaks in text. Do not insert extra spaces to avoid widows or orphans.
  • * Levels of headings: Use up to 2 levels of headings, according to APA 7th Standards. Edition. 


Structure of the article

Scientific research article

It is a document that presents original results of a research project and refers to a research problem or question of interest to the academic community. Include at least 30 references to documents or scientific articles.

Title: must be included in Spanish and English, with a maximum length of 20 words. It should be clear, concise, and informative about the main idea of ​​the study. It will be written in Times New Roman or 14-point Arial, bold and centered. Place a blank double-spaced line between the article title and the authors' names.

Abstract: it must be included in Spanish and English language, with a maximum of 250 words where it must include the objectives of the study, main elements of the methodology used, main findings of the study, research contribution and conclusions (it is not necessary to describe these words). In the case of the abstract in a different language, the use of automatic translators will not be accepted.

Keywords: it must be including a list of 3 to 5 keywords in Spanish and English (keywords), separate the words with a semicolon (;). Use the UNESCO thesaurus, with its respective translations into English or Spanish, as appropriate. Consult the following link: http://vocabularies.unesco.org/browser/thesaurus/es/

Introduction: Gives information on the background of the subject, problem investigation, justification and relevance of the study. Presents the objectives of the article or hypothesis of the study, clearly and concisely.

Theoretical framework: presents the theoretical reference of the investigation that facilitates the understanding of the writing, uses primary sources and the citations are registered according to the APA seventh edition.

 Methodology: describes the methodological approach, the type (qualitative or quantitative) and scope of the research, specifying whether it is descriptive, explanatory, exploratory or correlational. It clearly sets out the information processing and data collection, describes the population and type of sampling. Describes the analysis criteria with which the information was approached.

 Results and discussion: describe the relevant findings of the study, even if these results are similar or different from what is explained in the bibliographic references. Describes the results in an organized manner based on the specific objectives, problems, hypotheses, etc.

Conclusions: consolidates the findings and contributions of the study, is related to the purpose and title of the research. Give recommendations, discuss, reflect on the results obtained. It presents study limitations.

References: it must be included following the norms of the seventh edition of the American Psychological Association (APA). References must be arranged in alphabetical order considering the first surname of the first author, as appropriate. Remember not to add references that are not cited in the body of the text. For more details on the application of APA regulations, refer to section 10 and 11 of this section.


 Bibliographic review article

It is a document that compiles, analyzes, synthesizes and discusses published information on a field in science or technology, in order to share the advances and trends in development according to journal´s scope. You can present articles of systematic review, narrative bibliographic and meta-analysis. A rigorous literature review with at least 50 references is expected.

Title: must be included in Spanish and English, with a maximum length of 20 words. It should be clear, concise and informative about the main idea of ​​the study, specify the type of review used and generate reading expectations. It will be written in Times New Roman or 14-point Arial, bold and centered. Place a double-spaced blank line between the article title and the authors' names.

Abstract: must be included in Spanish and English language, with a maximum of 250 words where it must include the objectives of the study, main elements of the methodology used, period or stage of information covered by the study, criteria to analyze the bibliography discussed, main study findings and conclusions (these words do not need to be described). In the case of the abstract in a different language, the use of automatic translators will not be accepted.

Keywords: it must include a list of 3 to 5 keywords in Spanish and English (keywords), separate the words with a semicolon (;). Use the UNESCO thesaurus, with its respective translations into English or Spanish, as appropriate.  Check the link: http://vocabularies.unesco.org/browser/thesaurus/es/

Introduction: Provides information on the background of the topic, what is the problem that motivated the development of the research and the criteria for developing the manuscript. Present the objectives of the article in a clear and concise manner and the research question that you want to develop in the document.

Methodology: it must specify the search strategy used, detail the names of the databases used, the period in which the search is carried out, indicate the selected language, the geographic scope, and indicate the number of articles founded. It is important to clarify the criteria used to analyze the information, the review must be based on updated information, that is, no more than 5 years. Studies that include the SciMAT and/ or VOSviewer tools for bibliometric analysis will be given greater value.

Literature Review: synthetize and organizes the information according to the results and most relevant aspects of the subject. It presents the reported works in an organized way, for example, type of research, chronological order, theme, etc. It reports tables or figures accompanied by comments or questions. The author must present significant contributions based on objective and supported affirmations.

Conclusions: it summarizes the contributions and limitations of the study without repeating the information described in other sections of the document. It specifies the contribution that the review provides to the academic discipline and proposes research topics to contribute to the investigation.

References: it must be included following the norms of the seventh edition of the American Psychological Association (APA). References must be arranged in alphabetical order considering the first surname of the first author, as appropriate. Remember not to add references that are not cited in the body of the text. For more details on the application of the APA regulations, refer to section 10 and 11 of this section.


CRediT Taxonomy

Starting in 2025, articles published in the journal that list multiple authors will include an authorship declaration based on the CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy). The CRediT Taxonomy is a system that describes key contributions of authors in the production and publication of research papers. Its aim is to provide fair and transparent recognition to each collaborator in a scientific article. This taxonomy assigns fourteen specific roles to contributors, facilitating greater transparency in the scientific process, as described below:

  1. Conceptualization: Defining the ideas and overall goals of the project.
  2. Data Curation: Collecting, organizing, and maintaining data to ensure its quality and accessibility.
  3. Formal Analysis: Applying statistical, mathematical, and computational techniques to analyze data.
  4. Funding Acquisition: Securing the financial resources necessary to conduct the project.
  5. Investigation: Conducting the experiments or collecting the raw data.
  6. Methodology: Developing and applying the research methodology.
  7. Project Administration: Overseeing and managing the entire project.
  8. Software: Developing and designing necessary software programs and tools.
  9. Validation: Assessing the reliability and accuracy of the results.
  10. Visualization: Creating figures, graphics, and other visual elements.
  11. Writing – Original Draft: Writing the initial draft of the manuscript.
  12. Writing – Review & Editing: Critically reviewing and editing the manuscript.
  13. Resources: Providing materials, reagents, and other resources.
  14. Supervision: Supervising and leading the research team.

An author may assume multiple roles, and similarly, a role may be performed by multiple authors. The corresponding author should assign the roles, and all authors must review and confirm their assigned roles.

Authors are requested to include the authorship declaration in the originality letter of the article.

Example of Authorship Declaration:

  • Author 1: Conceptualization, data curation, formal analysis, writing – original draft.
  • Author 2: Conceptualization, data curation, project administration.
  • Author 3: Conceptualization, data curation, validation, writing – original draft, writing – review & editing.

For more information on the CRediT taxonomy, visit: https://credit.niso.org



The tables must be composed of the table number, title, content and note (if necessary). These must have a different numbering than the numbering assigned to the figures. The table number must be ordered consecutively with Indo-Arabic numbers (for example, Table 1) and be located above the title and body of the table in bold. The table title appears as a double-spaced line below the table number. Give each table a short but descriptive title, and italicize the table title.

The hatching of the tables should be horizontal and moderate (no more than three lines: in title, in headings and at the end of the table; more horizontal lines only for clarity purposes). Vertical scratching is not recommended. The thickness of 0.75 points. Tables must be editable in the Word document; copied and pasted images that cannot be edited in the editing process are not accepted.

If the source of the table is not the author´s own, the author may incorporate the source from which it is extracted at the bottom of the table.

 Long or wide tables: If a table is longer than one page, use the tables function in your word processing program to make the row of headings repeat on the second page and on any subsequent pages. No other adjustments are necessary. If a table is too wide to fit on one page, use landscape orientation on the page with the wide table. It doesn't matter if the page header also moves when switching to landscape orientation.



Its size should not exceed the margins of the document. Different types of figures can be presented, whether they are graphs, diagrams, maps, drawings or photographs. 

  • They can be numbered consecutively with Indo-Arabic numerals, for example (Figure 1).
  • The figures are composed of the following: a) Number of the figure; b) Title; c) Image; d) Note.
  • The figure title appears as a double-spaced line below the figure number. Give each figure a brief but descriptive title, and put the figure's title in italics.
  • If the figure is the author's own, it is not necessary to add the copyright to the end of the figure.



The author must follow the latest edition APA 7th edition. It is suggested to review the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, seventh edition (www.apastyle.org) , to learn more about the style of its latest edition.

Citations allow the recognition of the contributors and relevant contributions that the research provides to the author´s work. If the text lacks citations or they are not registered correctly, plagiarism may occur, which may have academic and legal consequences.

Remember that all citations included in the text must appear, as a full reference, in the list of bibliographic references at the end of the document. Below are some recommendations for the correct way of citing, according on its characteristic:


Textual (direct) citation:

Use when the text of the author transcribed accurately. There are two types of citations:

  • * Quotations with less than 40 words: these are included as part of the paragraph, in quotation marks and without italics. At the end of the quotation, the page number where the text was taken is added in parentheses and ends with a period.
  • * Quotations of more than 40 words: these are included in the text as a separate paragraph, which must include an indentation of 1.27 cm to the left, the same font and font size.
  •              * Narrative block quote: if author and year information is noted at the beginning of the paragraph, the page number where the information was extracted can be added at the end of the citation
  •             * Block citation with parentheses: at the end of the citation, after the period, the last name, year and page number are included in parentheses.


Paraphrased quotation (indirect)

It corresponds to expressing with the author's own words, the ideas of other authors. There are two types of quotations:

  • Narrative quotation (based on the author): applies when the author's name is added at the beginning of the sentence. Example:
  •      - If the quote is for an author:Cordero (2020) affirms that...
  •      - If the citation is for two authors:According to Cordero and Mendoza (2020) ….
  •      - If the citation is for three or more authors:According to Cordero et al. (2020) ...
  •      - NOTE: When three or more authors are cited, the first citation should name all the authors involved (Example: According to Campuzano, Guerrero, León and Prieto (2020) ...) and in the following citations the last name of the first author is added followed by the word et al. and the year. Example: According to Campuzano et al. (2020) ...


  • Parenthetic quotation (based on the text): applies when the author's name and year of publication are added in parentheses at the end of the sentence. Example:
  •      - If the quote is for an author: (Cordero, 2020) states that...
  •      - If the citation is for two authors: (Cordero and Mendoza, 2020)
  •      - If the citation is for three or more authors: (Cordero et al. 2020)


Secondary citations

This refers to citing a source that is cited in another source. It is necessary to identify the primary source and then write “as cited in” and note the secondary source. A couple of examples are shown below:

  • * Citation in parentheses: (Cordero, 1991, as cited in Mendoza, 2020)
  • * Narrative quote: According to Cordero (1991, as cited in Mendoza, 2020)


Citations to organizations

The first citation is noted by the full name of the entity and the following citations are noted by the initials, as shown in the example:

  • * First Citation in the text:(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD], 2020, p. 22)
  • * Subsequent citations: (OECD, 2020, p. 32)



The reference list provides complete information for each work cited in the body of the document. This list will be placed at the end of the text, under the heading "References".

Only cite in the list of references, those authors that you used in the work. These citations must be sufficient to support what is described in the theoretical framework, methodology and results of your study. It will be verified that all works cited are included in the list of references and these only include works cited in the body of the article.


General considerations

* Empirical research articles: The references should be updated, preferably documents and / or scientific articles published in the last five years and that are publications indexed in Scopus or Web of Science. Include at least 30 references.

* Bibliographic review articles: References must be updated, preferably documents and / or scientific articles published in the last five years and that are publications indexed in Scopus or Web of Science. Include at least 50 references.

It is necessary to include a DOI for all bibliographic references that have this code. If an online work has both a DOI and a URL, include only the DOI.

If the URL link is long, you should change the URL to a short version. It is suggested to use Bitly.

It is recommended that citations be presented in plain text.



French indent 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) to each reference list entry, which means that the first line of the reference is flush to the left and subsequent lines are indented 0.5 inches from the left margin. Use the paragraph formatting function of your word processing program to apply hanging indent.


Elements of a reference

The reference is composed of four basic elements:

  1. 1. Author (responsible for the article)
  2. 2. Date (of publication)
  3. 3. Title (name of material)
  4. 4. Source (place consultation or acquisition)

Below are examples of the main types of references. For more examples, review the reference lists of published articles or examples in the APA Publication Manual.



Format: Surname, N. (Year of publication). Title of the work. Editorial.


Servera, M., Galván, Ma. (2001). Impulsivity and Inattention Problems in Children. Madrid. CIDE.


Book in digital version

Format: Surname, N. (Year of publication). Title of the work. Editorial. DOI or URL


Carhuancho, I., Sicheri, L., Nolazco, F., Labajos, F., Guerrero, M., Casana, K. (2019). Holistic research methodology. International University of Ecuador -Guayaquil. https://repositorio.uide.edu.ec/handle/37000/3893


Book Chapters

Format: A pinned 1, N and Surname 2, N. (Year of publication). Chapter title. In N. Editor and N. Editor (Eds.), Book Title (Chapter Pages, pp. xx-xx). Editorial. DOI (if available)        


Fernández, J, and Blasco, T. (2014). Instruments for stress assessment. In T. Gutiérrez, R. Reich, D. Sánchez and J. Deus (eds.), Evaluation instruments in health psychology (pp. 95-166). Editorial Alliance.


 Article with DOI or URL

Format: Surname1, N., Surname2, N and Surname3, N. (year). Article title. Name of the journal. Vol (N), pp-pp. DOI or URL


Méndez Bravo, JC, Ayala Briones, HJ, and Palacios Sarmiento, TY (2019). The Balanced Scorecard in the Development of Family Businesses. INNOVA Research Journal, (3), 94-107. https://doi.org/10.33890/innova.v4.n3.2019.963


Article with less than 20 authors

Format: Surname1, N., Surname2, N. and Surname3, N. (year). Article title. Name of the journal. Vol (N), pp -pp. DOI or URL


Méndez Bravo, JC, Ayala Briones, HJ, and Palacios Sarmiento, TY (2019). The Balanced Scorecard in the Development of Family Businesses. INNOVA Research Journal, (3), 94-107. https://doi.org/10.33890/innova.v4.n3.2019.963


Article with more than 20 authors

Format: Surname1, N., Surname2, N., Surname3, N., Surname4, N., Surname5, N., Surname6, N., Surname7, N., Surname8, N., Surname9, N., Surname10, N., Surname11, N., Surname12, N., Surname13, N. Surname14, N., Surname15, N. Surname16, N., Surname17, N., Surname18, N., Surname19, N., Surname30, N. (year). Article title. Name of the journal. Vol (N), pp-pp. DOI or URL

NOTE: you must list the first 19 authors and then write an ellipsis. Then add the name of the last author of the work.



Castiblanco, R., Moreno, H., Rojas, S., Zamora, F., Rivera, A., Bedoya, MA, Aróstegui, J., Rodríguez, D., Salinas, G., Martínez, W., Camargo, D., Sánchez, A., Ramírez, Y., Arias, M., Castro, KY, Carrillo, H., Valdez-López, J., Hermosa, F., Daza, C.,… Hernández, T. (2020). Variation of mechanical stress on the hip with the stair ergometer. Journal of Public Health, 16 (2), 41-67.



Newspaper article

Format: Surname, N. (date). Title of the article. Name of the newspaper. URL


Carreño, L. (February 9, 2020). The union dispute over tariffs on clothing. The Spectator. https://www.elespectador.com/economia/la-disputa-gremial-por-los-aranceles-las-prendas-de-vestir-articulo-903768


Conference Proceeding

Format: Surname1, N., Surname2, N. and Surname3, N., (date of the event). Title of the Contribution [Type of Contribution]. Name of the Conference, City, Country. URL


Sánchez, C., Ayala, D. and Bocarosa, E. (November 17-29, 2018). Biodiversity and human survival on earth [Keynote speech]. United Nations Conference, Sharm, El- Sheikh, Egypt.


Thesis or dissertations

Format: Surname, N. (year). Title of the work. [Master / PhD thesis, Name of University, Country]. URL


Sapallanay Baltazar, J. (2016). Strategy of the (ABP) and the development of Critical Thinking in fourth and fifth year high school students of the IE “Pueblo Libre” of the Mazamari educational network - UGEL - Satipo-2016. [Doctoral thesis, Los Angeles de Chimbote Catholic University, Peru]. http://repositorio.uladech.edu.pe/handle/123456789/1406


Web page
