Comparative analysis between the higher education systems of Ecuador and Bolivia

Contenido principal del artículo

Martha Concepcion Macias
Javier Hernando Sanmartin
César Vásquez Vásquez


This is a comparative analysis of higher education systems in Ecuador and Bolivia, countries that are characterized by cultural diversity and geographic proximity; its evolution in the higher education system has progressed in recent years with different rate.  Reason given, the aim of this work is to make a comparison, to understand the similarities and differences between the systems of higher education in Ecuador and Bolivia, and thus, we can have a diagnosis in relation to the structure of the higher education system of both countries. In this context, we provide an overview about the situation or reality in which both institutions of Higher Education (IES) are developed. Also, the aspects that distinguish the higher education in these countries such as their regulations are mentioned, their internal political contexts, resources, segments, management, technological evolution; and the change of the political, economic and social model. In this way, a description of the main features of the Ecuadorian and Bolivian higher education systems is made, which is summarized in a comparative chart showing the similarities and differences that characterizes them.


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Cómo citar
Macias, M. C., Sanmartin, J. H., & Vásquez Vásquez, C. (2017). Comparative analysis between the higher education systems of Ecuador and Bolivia. INNOVA Research Journal, 2(10), 70–83.
Biografía del autor/a

Martha Concepcion Macias, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador,Ecuador

Master en gestion y lederazgo educativo

Master en Administracion de Empresas (MBA)

Candidata a PhD


Docente a tiempo completo de Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas y docente a tiempo parcial de UIDE

Javier Hernando Sanmartin, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas,Ecuador

PhD por la Universidad de Alicante, España, docente a tiempo completo de la Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas (ESPE)


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